How To Install AlphaSSL Wildcard for NGINX web server
Surprisingly the process of installing my AlphaSSL Wildcard certificate was very easy.
Here are the instructions:
1. Locate your AlphaSSL Wildcard certificate you received via e-mail from AlphaSSL:
2. Locate the AlphaSSL Intermediate Certificate (choose after 3/2014 SHA-256) (should be the default):
3. Combine your Wildcard Certificate + Intermediate Certificate into one file:
Create a new 'text file' name it:
in your favorite text-editor. Copy and paste AlphaSSL Wildcard Certificate from Step 1 first, then paste the Immediate Certificate from Step 2. It should look like this:
Your Wildcard Certificate on TOP and the Intermediate at the BOTTOM.
Copy this file 'whatever_your_domain-alphassl-wildcard-YYYYMMDD.crt' and your certificate key file into your private SSL directory. I am using Ubuntu Server and it is located in /etc/nginx/ssl.
4. Change you Nginx virtual host configuration:
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/whatever_your_domain-alphassl-wildcard-YYYYMMDD.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/whatever_your_domain-alphassl-wildcard.key;
5. Restart NGINX web server:
service nginx restart